At Vision Care 2000, our downtown Boston eye doctor regularly fits patients with contact lenses. While most have no problems wearing them, a few patients come and see our Boston optometrist with concerns or discomfort with their lenses. The majority of the time, these issues arise due to improper wear and care. Here are some tips from our doctor concerning the do’s and don’ts of wearing contact lenses in Boston.
Proper Contact Lens Care
Our optometrist in Boston makes the following recommendations concerning caring for contacts.
- Before handling contacts, wash your hands with a mild soap that’s free of perfumes or oils that can adhere to lenses, making them blurry and uncomfortable. Dry your hands with a lint-free towel.
- Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendation and your doctor’s advice concerning cleaning, disinfecting and enzymatic solutions, as some contacts require specific products. Never, ever use any type of water during lens care.
- To properly clean your lenses, rub them gently with one finger while situated in the palm of your hand to remove buildup on the interior and exterior. If you are putting them away for the night, use fresh solution for storage.
- Clean lenses cases after each use with hot water and allow it to air dry. Changes cases every few months.
- According to our downtown Boston eye doctor, proper care will extend the life of your lenses and help prevent eye infections.
Tips for Wearing Contacts Comfortably and Safely
- Our Optometrist in Boston recommends the following guidelines for comfort and safety concerning contact lenses.
- Only wear your contacts for as long per day as your doctor recommends, and if you wear disposables, be sure to use a fresh pair as advised. Never sleep in contacts unless they are extended wear lenses to avoid excessive eye dryness.
- Never wear another’s lenses, nor loan yours to someone else to avoid cross contamination and infection.
- If your eyes become irritated or your experience blurred vision, eye pain, swelling, redness or show signs of infection at any time, remove your lenses and see our eye doctor in Boston before attempting to wear them again.